14th Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2025)

8-10 September 2025, Coimbra, Portugal

Paper submission portal

Camera-ready submission

(Only for regular papers)

Camera-ready papers and IEEE Copyright Form MUST be submitted through the ISPA 2023 submission system no later than August 05, 2023.


Revise your paper taking into account the reviewers’ comments and format it properly (see the Instructions for authors for formatting guidelines).

IMPORTANT: Please MAKE SURE that your document contains no headers, no footers, and no page numbers. Proofread your document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.


Note that, it is REQUIRED by IEEE that all PDF submissions be IEEE Xplore® compliant. If your file does not meet IEEE Xplore® compliance, it will NOT be published and it will be removed from the ISPA 2023 proceedings. 

To help you meet these requirements, you must FIRST check to ensure that your PDF file is compliant by using the IEEE PDF eXpress® system BEFORE you submit your paper to the conference final submission website.

You may create the PDF and upload it to be analyzed, or you can upload your native document (i.e., LaTeX, Word, etc.) file and the IEEE PDF eXpress® site will create a compliant PDF for you.

If you submitted a PDF file for checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed. The approved file is attached to this message, and it is labeled within its document properties as being "Certified by IEEE PDF eXpress", with an exact date and time stamp. The file attached to this message is the file that you should submit to the submission website.

If you uploaded a native document for conversion, the auto-generated compliant PDF will be attached to the email. Review the PDF to ensure that is views on screen and prints as you intended. This is the file that you should submit to the submission website.

If the PDF submitted failed the PDF check, or if you are not satisfied with the IEEE PDF eXpress®-converted PDF, you may submit your source file again for conversion. Further information is provided here: https://ieee-pdf-express.org/External/UsingIEEEPDFeXpress.

IMPORTANT: Any changes made to a PDF after IEEE PDF eXpress® check may invalidate IEEE Xplore® compatibility. Please ENSURE that all changes are made to your source document before creating or checking the PDF file. 


Once you have a compliant PDF file, return to the ISPA 2023 final submission website.

Please keep in mind that checking your PDF file for compliance and submitting your final paper for publication are two separate procedures, and that the ISPA 2023 committee does not have access to papers submitted to IEEE PDF eXpress®. AFTER you have finished using the IEEE PDF eXpress® system to either check your file for compliance or to generate a compliant file, MAKE SURE to return to the ISPA 2023 final submission website and upload your IEEE Xplore®-compliant PDF file.


The IEEE electronic Copyright Form (eCF) MUST be filled and uploaded onto the ISPA 2023 submission system in order for your accepted paper to be published in both the ISPA 2023 proceedings and the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.